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For Adem, the seeds of physical performance training were planted at an early age, watching athletes like Muhammad Ali, Arnold Schwartzenegger, and Bruce Lee dominate their respective domains lit a fire in Adem that still drives him to this day.


“If I remember it correctly, it was between advertisements of a Terminator film where I first started to do push ups and sit ups”

Adem was engrossed with football (soccer) for most of his childhood and adolescent years, earning positions in representative teams and playing overseas. Eventually, battling injury and fading passion, he turned his focus towards the health-science and fitness industry.


He began this journey with a Certificate III in fitness in 2012, and since has invested a large amount of time and energy towards educating himself both in theoretical and practical arenas, he is currently undertaking a Masters degree in Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics.


 No longer only obsessed with mirror muscles Adem is now heavily invested in seeking proficiency in different domains including Jiu-Jitsu, Athletics  and Gymnastic focused training.


Adem’s inquisitive nature affords him the ability to problem solve on a high level and tailor solutions for a wide variety of clientele, if you are interested in tapping into your full potential, get in touch with Adem and the team at Romero Athletics.

  • Masters of Nutrition and Dietetics (current)

  • Undergraduate of Exercise Science and Human Nutrition

  • Internship at Romero Athletics (currently employed)

  • Art of Breath one day workshop

  • Eugene Teo two day muscle mechanics workshop

  • Strongfit two day Workshop

  • ASCA Level 1 certification

  • Precision Nutrition Level 1 certification

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